
Daily Commute

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Car accidents happen when you least expect them

Sudden slam on the brakes
Losing balance and twisting your ankle
Phone went missing after a ride
Your phone might be lost and never found
Reckless drivers on the road
Cutting off, running red lights, speeding could lead to car crash
Staying safe is not a wish, but a commitment that you could get for yourself.

coverage includes:

1. Personal Belongings Coverage
Cover up to HK$ 1,000 per item, up to HK$ 2,000 for loss of belongings
2. Accidental Medical Expenses
Cover up to HK$ 5,000 medical expenses
3. Accidental Death & Disablement
Cover up to HK$ 200,000 for death or disablement resulting from a traffic accident

Comes with 2 plans!

Get yours based on how you ride

Get a taste of MicroInsurance

For thrifty buyers

YAS | RYDE 乘客保
10 Trips
HK$ 40
($4/ trip)
Valid for 6 months .90 min. protection / trip
Eligibility: 18 - 70 years old with a valid HKID
Please refer toRYDE with YAS Policy Provisions for more exclusion details.

Get protected in 1 tap!

Hong Kong's first passenger MicroInsurance product

RYDE with YAS is issued by Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A.(Hong Kong Branch) (“the Company”), an authorised insurer in Hong Kong, and arranged by YAS Digital Limited. The Company reserves the right to accept or decline any application.
How does YAS make claims easier for you?
Submit claim on YAS APP
No more paper forms! Submit a claim online with required documents.
We’ll handle everything for you
Get instant help right away from YAS team. We’re just one text away!
We speed up the claim process
Get claim results in 3 working days!

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can use RYDE?
RYDE is eligible for anyone 18 - 70 years old living in Hong Kong with a valid HKID.
Yes! The total coverage is $2000. You can claim up to $1,000 per item as long as your ticket was activated. We'll just need a police report for the missing item and you're all set.
Yes, you're covered as long as you are a passenger.
No worries. Once you have activated your ticket, you will be protected for 90 minutes even if your phone runs out of battery. In case of an unfortunate event, simply provide the relevant transportation details along with other required information for claims.
In the YAS MicroInsurance App:
1. Tap "Account" on the menu list.
2. Tap "Past Activities"
3. Click on the completed trip that you would like to claim
4. Tap "Claim" and fill in the required information
5. For anything urgent or if you require additional support, contact us at rylie@hk.yas.io and we will do our utmost to help.

Comes with 2 plans!

Get yours based on how you ride

Get a taste of MicroInsurance

For thrifty buyers

YAS | RYDE 乘客保
10 Trips
HK$ 40
($4/ trip)
Valid for 6 months .90 min. protection / trip